Sleep apnea is more than just a snore. When left untreated, it can reduce your quality of sleep and seriously affect your whole-body health. Our tailored treatments can help you breathe with ease so you can catch some zzz’s.

Why should I choose Sleep Apnea Treatment?
In the short term, sleep apnea can cause drowsiness and poor quality sleep. And in the long run, it can raise your risk of life-threatening conditions like heart attacks or strokes. Getting treatment means you’ll be able to breathe properly, sleep easily, and take control of your health.
Did you know…
It’s estimated that about 1 in 12 Americans suffer from sleep apnea.
Ready to
schedule your appointment?
The Benefits of Sleep Apnea Treatment
Get Proper Sleep
Without treatment, low-quality sleep can cause things like irritability, problems focusing, or even drowsiness when driving. But with proper sleep apnea treatment, you’ll be able to sleep properly again. You’ll feel rested after just 7-8 hours of sleep.
Improve Your Health
Sleep apnea treatment helps reduce your risk of health conditions like headaches, diabetes, heart attack and stroke, and more. You’ll be able to breathe properly and without interruptions at night, which is great for your overall health.
Feel More Energetic
Sleep apnea treatment helps you feel more energetic and get through the day more easily. It will be easier to do things like exercise and lose weight. Proper treatment may also help restore your libido and improve intimacy, since sleep apnea is often associated with low sex drive.
The Sleep Apnea Treatment Process
Sleep Test And Diagnosis
Both doctors at RH Dentistry are trained to identify and diagnose sleep disordered breathing issues in patients. We have CBCT 3-D technology that allows us to take 3D images of your airway which allow us to measure the amount of oxygen that you are able to breathe in. We also have partnered with a medical doctor and are able to administer at home sleep tests from our office. This makes the process easy and often patients are able to avoid visiting a sleep center for over night testing.
Treatment Discussion
After our doctors gather information we will bring you in for a results discussion appointment. At this appointment we sit down and go into detail with you all that was found during the "testing" period. This is a very informative appointment and we encourage you to take notes! Often we can discover a lot of underlying issues in regards to blood pressure, memory issues, hormonal imbalances etc. by interpreting your sleep test! Once results are discussed we then will recommend a best course of action for your individual treatment.
Get Help From Your Dentist
If needed, our doctors are trained in fabricating sleep apnea appliances. If additional procedures are needed or recommended in addition or instead of an oral appliance, our doctors will point you in the right direction and will be here to help you through the process to better health.
Before & Afters
A smile is worth 1,000 words.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is A CPAP?
CPAP is short for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. This is a type of machine that pumps a steady, gentle stream of pressurized air into your airway through a face mask. This stream prevents your airway tissue from collapsing, which prevents sleep apnea. CPAPs are usually recommended for patients with more severe apnea.
What Else Can I Do To Treat Sleep Apnea?
Your sleep specialist and your dentist may make some lifestyle recommendations to help with sleep apnea. These may include quitting smoking, exercising, losing weight, avoiding drugs and alcohol (especially before bed), and sleeping on your side, rather than on your back or your stomach.
How Does Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT) Work?
Oral Appliance Therapy, or OAT for short, uses a special mouthguard. This mouthguard changes the position of your jaw when you sleep, which prevents oral tissue from sagging into your airway. This means that your breathing won’t be interrupted at night. OAT is ideal for patients with minor-to-moderate apnea.